Presenters' Schedule

Our regular critique meetings will continue to be held on-line, according to the schedule below.

In-person meetings for workshops, presentations, and guest speakers will be announced via our blog, through the Edmonton Public Library's events calendar, and though our website.

Scheduling for presentation of your work is governed by your participation level.

Meetings begin at 1900 hrs (7 PM) and go to 2100 hrs (9 PM) or shortly thereafter and are held via Google Meets which as expected prefers to run under Chrome - go figure!


Scheduling in 2024 is tentative as new members will be slotted in when they pass their participation goal.

Date     Presenter
Apr 18Doug R.
May 2Daniel J.
May 16Zoe E.
May 30Bhav B.
Jun 6Sina K.
Jun 20Chris P.
Jul 4Kirk M.
Jul 18Anita R.
Aug 1EPL Writer in Residence Premee Mohamed
Aug 15Sylvia F.
Aug 29New Rotation Begins
Sep 5
Sep 19
Oct 3
Oct 17
Oct 31
Nov 7
Nov 21
Dec 5
Dec 19

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