Saturday, 17 December 2011

What a lively place this is ;-)

Greetings & hallucinations,

Well nobody has posted much here for a while, so I guess I'll add a little something to fill in the gaps. For those of you who attended the meeting on the 15th we had a good time, and the anticipated battle between Laini & Laurie went very well with Laini providing us with a historical fiction (or at least I think that's what she called it), and Laurie giving us a different take on the christmas story.

There was a fair bit of food as well, which I think was appreciated by all. There was only around 12 of us in attendance so that meant there was a fair bit for everyone. We also had a potential new member attend for the first time Danene (hopefully this is spelt correctly).

There are only a few spots left in the reading schedule coming up so check the list and let me know if you would like something.




  1. Was wondering where everybody was! :)

    For anyone wondering, my genre is actually "creative nonfiction" or "narrative nonfiction" (

    I think potential new member's name sounded more like Danene or something along those lines. I finished my work contract yesterday so am printing out Rewrite #13, and will be going to town on it shortly, including the suggestions everyone (including my Ollie expert) gave me. Thanks everyone!

  2. Laini,

    Good point. I'm not sure if she's reading this but if so hopefully it's spelt correctly now.



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