Thursday, 24 November 2011

NaNoWriMo: Day 24

Half of me is totally Howard-inspired to keep going...the other half of me is really enjoying this no-writing break...I'll roll the dice and see what happens...


  1. Done!

    I posted at 2147 last night, then kept going. I have no idea what time I went to bed. I think it was before midnight, but couldn't guarantee it.

    Final count is 56772 Whew!!!!

    So now what do I do with this thing, and coincidentally all my spare time?

  2. Holy!! Way to go Howard. Don't think of anything else today, but taking it easy and rewarding yourself for a job well done!

    I tried to just watch television, but I felt too guilty to do any Columbo without having worked, so I got 1000 words done. Now, I can do nothing!


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